Obviously, like in most religious architecture, exaggeration plays a strong part when it comes to the depiction of Jesus. Throughout history, churches, cathedrals, mosques, temples and other houses of faith have always been in a not-so-silent race to the largest and most striking, and religious sculpture is no different. Statues of Jesus have been built in massive dimensions all over the globe, especially in predominantly Catholic societies where the power of the church is stronger; in fact, some statues of Jesus have even been built underwater.

Built in nine years between 1922 and 1931, Cristo Redentor statue stands 30 meters tall - excluding an 8 meter high pedestal - on top of the Corcovado mountain, which itself rises 700 meters above the city of Rio. The statue was constructed from reinforced concrete and soapstone, and held the title of the world's tallest Art Deco statue from its completion until 2010, when it surrendered this title to another statue of Jesus in Poland.

An idea to build a statue of Jesus on top of the Corcovado mountain was first brought up in mid 1850s, when Catholic priest Pedro Maria Boss sought financing for a statue from Princess Isabella of Portugal. This idea was floated for a lengthy peiod before being entirely dismissed in 1889 when Brazil became a secular republic. A second proposal was made in 1921 by the Catholic Circle of Rio de Janeiro, who organized an event to rally support and collect donations for the construction of the statue.
During the design stage of the monument, several alternatives were considered; these included a Christian cross, Jesus holding a globe and a spherical pedestal that would symbolize the world. However, the current design was eventually chosen for the statue, and construction began the following year.
The statue was sculpted by Polish-French sculptor Paul Landowski, based on designs of local engineer Heitor da Silva Costa, and it was built from reinforced concrete instead of steel to ensure rigidity needed for the stability of the cross shape. The face of Jesus was designed by Romanian scluptor Gheorghe Leonida. Finishing material was selected as soapstone, thanks to its endurance and ease during sculpting.
Completed in 1931, the monument was floodlit to ensure maximum visual impact for viewers; however a plan to light the floodlights from Rome by Guglielmo Marconi - the Italian inventor of long distance radio communication - did not work out as envisioned; local workers had to light the statue.

Much more recently, travel blogger and photographer Lee Thompson climbed to the top of the statue, and took selfies from this location. In doing so, he brought together two different worlds two millennia apart - the world of Jesus, and the world of smartphones. Obviously, no one cam claim these worlds seem awkward together.
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