Not all structures are meant to host people and keep them entertained indoors. Some structures have the equally crucial purpose of keeping "others" out. However, although defensive structures still do exist to a degree, their golden days have come and gone, and most such works - castles, fortresses, city walls and gun batteries - are nothing more than archeological articafts today. Still, some of them continue to fascinate us not just through their size or architectural genius, but also their significance and their stand against the test of time. Hadrian's Wall is one such structure.
Hadrian's Wall is a defensive wall in what is today northern England, built between 122 AD - 128 AD under orders from no other than the Roman emperor Hadrian himself. Hadrian, one of the Five Good Emperors along with Nerva, Trajan, Antoninus Pius and marcus Aurelius according to Macchiavelli, ruled the empire from 117 to 138; he not only built the wall that carried his name, but also rebuilt the Pantheon and commissioned the Temple of Venus and Roma, both in Rome.

The wall in its entirety is 75 Roman miles long; a Roman mile (from mille passuum - a thousand paces or two thousand steps) was a widely used distance measure marked by carved sticks dug into the ground every 1000 paces estimated to be around 1479 meters in length. The other dimensions - width and height - of the wall varied according to the availability of materials in the vicinity of the site. Parts of the wall were built of square-cut stone blocks to a size of 3 meters wide and 5 meters high, whereas other sections were of turf and wider and shorter. The wall starts in Segedunum near Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the east, and ends in Solway Firth - boundary of England and Scotland - in the west. Although the western end of the wall is largely parallel and close to the border between the two nations, in reality Hadrian's Wall does not follow present day border all the way to the east; in fact the distance between the actaul border and the eastern end of the wall is nearly 110 kilometers.

Apart from several attacks at the end of 2nd century, the wall was largely untouched until late 4th century, during which general economic and military decline of the empire resulted in the abandoning of the wall by Roman legions. In time, the wall was entirely vacated and fell into ruin.